Saturday, October 31, 2009

Book Giveaway

Happy Halloween, everyone!

My publisher, Lorina of Five Rivers Chapmanry, is giving away four copies of Elephant's Breath & London Smoke at Goodreads!

The contest ends on 11/30/09.

Join in the fun! Just click on the Enter to Win button.

Best of luck to you!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Introducing - Yipe!: the Costume Fanzine of Record

I just received an email from the magnificent costumer Kevin Roche:

Yesterday my friend Jason Shachat and I released the first issue of our new online 'zine, YIPE!, dedicated to the art and craft of costume. Our goal was to produce the look and feel of a glossy pictorial magazine in every way but the "printed on paper" part.

You can download the inaugural isue as an Acrobat (PDF) file at .

Hope you enjoy it; this is definitely a labor of love.

P.S. If you have the bandwidth and storage, I recommend you opt for the high-resolution (25M) version. It's really spectacular.

P.P.S. If you are interested in contributing to future issues of YIPE!, contact us at

I just finished reading it, and I'm very impressed. I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Mantua-Maker in Creative Machine Embroidery

Creative Machine Embroidery magazine was kind enough to put a photo of one of my patterns in the November/December 2009 issue!

1500 - 1630 Spanish Loose Gown is on page 72, on the Fashion Forecast page. I'm part of the latest trends!

This issue also has Last Minute Gift Ideas, Stabilizing Secrets, and ways to Wake Up Your Winter Wardrobe.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog posts for writers

On my other blog, I've been posting links to help writers with the business of publishing.

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker: Blog posts for writers - Oct 8

Here I am testing to see how Create a Link works. Does anyone know how to create links to multiple posts in the Create a Link section?

I'm confused!