Friday, January 29, 2010

Another review for Elephant's Breath & London Smoke

by Carol Wood

Just got my copy of "Elephant's Breath & London Smoke: Historic colour names, definitions & uses," ed. by Deb Salisbury. I LOVE it! I'm a sucker when linguistics meets costuming and this is a great book, I think.

I've as yet only looked up a few color terms and I think it's well done.

Didn't know about it until I read a book review in the latest issue of the Virtual Costumer ( and I just love it!

What do others think of it so far?

Thank you, Carol!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Reviews on EBLS

On Amazon UK:

Excellent reference work, 25 Dec 2009
By Malcolm Green

Not a book to read as such - this is not some coffee table tome on colours and pigments - but an excellent reference book, referring colour names (listed, with bibliographical details and often many citations for the same colour name) from the 14th to the end of the 19th century) over hundreds of pages. This is an excellent bit of sustained research that should appeal to everyone from artists colourpersons to the fashion-minded, costume historians, interior designers, people of the stage, horse-fanciers (sensibly many horse colours are listed) and not least of all poets. Quite a gem and quite unexpected. And if I wrote at the beginning this is "not a book to read" you will find yourself dipping and before you notice wallowing...


At the wonderful blog - Two Nerdy History Girls

The NHG library: Elephant's Breath & London Smoke

Thank you, Malcolm and Loretta!