Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A few costuming links

Oh, dear! Where has the time gone? Sorry to be running so late!

Scientists Find 5,500-Year-Old Preserved Shoe In Cave via NPR

An Overview of Regency Stays/Corsets at the Oregon Regency Society

Costume-Con 29 will be hosted by the Sick Pups, the NJ/NY Chapter of the International Costumers' Guild (ICG).

Thistle Hill Weavers has hard-to-find reproduction fabrics

There's a new issue of Yipe

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 6, "We'll Take It In A Little," is now available for download at http://www.yipezine.com/

Our June issue has a special focus on the recent Baycon here in Santa Clara:

Our first BayCon tale comes from our good friend Leo Schwab, who writes of his out of costume life as a man everyone accuses of being in costume. The awkwardness is reinforced by Joanne Pelaschier's take on her first ever outing to the San Francisco Bay Area's. um. BayConiest. convention?

Then, right on schedule, EspaƱa gives the Masquerade system an atomic wedgie and steals its lunch money. Longtime reader and first-time contributor Deborah Bretschneider follows with the tale of "Eat theGuests", BayCon's first attempt at a zombiewalk. or zombie sit, as the case may be.

And, because we're all a bunch of selfish bastards who can't stop talking about ourselves for one instant, Mette puts us back on track with 10 questions for Cosplay goddess and BayCon regular Karisu.

As usual, we're always on the lookout for submissions for the next issue. Drop a line to editors@yipezine.com if you have an article,photos, art, poetry, etc. you'd like to contribute to issue 2.7 for July!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Links to Photos from Costume Con 28

Richard Man took many wonderful photos of the costumes at CC28. Enjoy!






The top level links to all the CC28 photos are

From Richard:
You can buy prints from the site directly. I have set the price to be fairly low: only $2.49 for a 4x6 print.

I will make CD of all the competition photos (web size resolution only, suitable for computer viewing) for $28 including shipping. Just send me a check or use paypal.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Now on Kindle

I am so happy! In fact, I'm thrilled!

My dictionary of colour in history,
Elephant's Breath and London Smoke,
is now available on Kindle!

More news from my publisher, Five Rivers: Apple, Kindle, Smashwords and The Docket

Friday, March 19, 2010

A little about me ...

My publisher, Lorina Stephens of Five Rivers Publishing, has interviewed me at

There's a bit about me, my pattern company, and my book, Elephant's Breath & London Smoke. Plus a few thoughts on my current work. Please drop by.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

from the Vassar College Costume Collection

Someone on one of my costume lists mentioned this very interesting site. *

Students from the Historic Costume Preservation Workshop at Vassar College examine ...

It gives short videos of students examining historic costumes from the Vassar College Costume Collection. Lots of construction details are shown!

* Sorry, I was brainless and deleted the email, or I'd give you credit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bonnet Workshop on May 2, 2010

This looks too good to pass up:

will be on May 2nd, 2010 at the Sandy Historical Museum. It will be taught by Stephanie Johanesen and sponsored by the Oregon Regency Society.

Have a look at her gorgeous bonnets, and her instruction videos. She makes it easy!

I wish I lived somewhere near Oregon!